I started the day in a Country Hotel. I was looking for a Pub. Couldn't find one so ended up in a pretentious English hotel.
What a load of "B".
Pub ordinary. Service ordinary, Style, non existent. Cooking, from book, and the price as usual meteoric, after all it is England.
So I attempted to go to Canterbury but the Police had roads all over closed because some illegal had died in the Chunnel. I am not anti people I am anti law breakers, whether it is an African in France or a QC in Auckland I despise dishonesty and law breaking and that is why I am on the road. The corruption is a sickness. Politicians annoy resist it, Lawyers love it becuas sit means fees...and the social services department ( whatever that means ) totally justifies their existence, giving away money that someone else earned.
The Chunnell was a joke. Police everywhere and no one knew where to go because they had no communication capability.
We did leave late and arrived in France.
I hate growing old. There was a time when I rode off the very or the train and just went down the road. Now I have to think right side.... right side, and actually think about it. I had a favourite Hotel near the Ferry and now I can not find it. Bugger.
Good to be out of England though.
Today I went to see the Cathedral, the real one in Canterbury.
There is no adequate word that can describe it. Majestic, awesome, and so on. The thing about it is there is no way it could be built today. It is a monument to what Britain was. Craftsmen, technicians, planners, visionaries, tradesmen. workers and labourers and none of them exist today.
They are either Lawyers or unemployed, or if in hospitality or retail not born here ! all clipping someone else's ticket. met acid in a car park, off the Labour exchange, they said get a job or we will cut you benefit. He had a job for 5 years in a garage, says he is a "mechanic", and unemployable. Sad really.
Talk about white flight the most common communication is "we wanted to go to NZ but too old".....I am a qualified "whatever" but I am 46 !
Good on you John Key import some more African refugees. Working people that have our values and want to work, not live as a welfare dependant have no place wanting to live in New Zealand.
But after all the strikes and delays I got to Calais. Warmer and happier....or maybe not ? But I found a Pub with great beer (belgium) and poor food. Really poor food.
So tomorrow I go......somewhere. Lets see.
So Canterbury !

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