Sunday, July 5, 2015

Day 5 - 5th July

England closes on Sunday. No mechanics no garages nothing so I have had a day off. Will get the bike to Bristol tomorrow all being well, and see what happens from there. May have to do a couple of days walking while she gets a service. So today was rain thunder and lightening and a sunny afternoon while Mr Hamilton won the British Grand Prix. Not much else to do since I look a bit scary as I gave myself a black eye when we stopped unexpectedly. So a compulsory day off really. Not without deserves I suspect as I was thinking 30 hours on the plane, straight on to a train, short sleep then collect pack the bike and head south. Arrive at dark, sleep and then on the road again at 9.30 and arrive at Padstow at 4ish and a good bt restrained night then away perhaps rest day was earned. So tomorrow I will get NZL07 to the mechanic and see how we go from there. One thing for sure it will be unplanned and wonderful.

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