Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Still in Holland wating

I hate the thought of dying in a Hotel in Holland waiting for an Insurance certificate, called a Green Card. But wait I do. The Police are as they are everywhere else it seems, just looking for an excuse to give you a fine and I have no desire to contribute. So I sit on the computer which works when it suits and emails when it cares to and I exchange frustrations with people who sell service, apparently. Not unlike trying to communicate with Xtra or Telecom or whatever their new name is. Log on and wait. I have no new pictures nothing new to report other than some advice, do not do what you always did, because whatever it was may not now do what it used to do. Nothing actually works. There is a site called Adventures Unlimited or similar. It is for travellers to exchange information, but it is all out of date. It seems the way we communicate now is different. The people that provide information are not looking for contribution but recognition. "I am going to ride to Iceland, does anyone know where the road is ?" That sort of help is not helpful so I emailed the "author" and he said they are so busy but here is a contact. That sums it up really. What I needed was not there but he knew about it. So back to Google. Speaking os which it seems the providers of services are dividing themselves into camps. Those that like Google and the rest of the world. Not unusual to get a message use another provider Google not supported........The face of US commerce, seems the plan for google or Microsoft is to buy the companies that are compatible and set up division in the market place. So if you o Google you get Google companies......and thats it. Maybe I am a little early but it is here in Europe now. Oh yes you Garmin users, my Zumo has been returned for repair, again. Till later and soon I hope I can file a report that I have actually been somewhere.

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