Sunday, July 5, 2015

Day 4 - 4th of July

I had breakfast of kippers. What a start to the day and away up the coast. Not big distances but takes a while with so many narrow lanes that my GPS seems to find. The villages and the towns reeled off and I found myself in the late morning in Ilfracombe. No I had never heard of it either. A very coastal little town with the usual fascinating little streets and alleys and a harbour. They have beautiful harbours with yachts with bilge keels that sit on the harbour floor. No Marinas here. What a delightful little place. Had lunch at a Pub built about 1300 so they say and it looked like it. Nice people as usual. Due to head out to Bath and the gremlin struck. There had been a light going on and off and then everything went off. The bike fell over with me on it so I had to park up book into a hotel and am now waiting to see where to next. Thats about it really. So Ilfracombe got me for a night.

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