Sunday, July 19, 2015
19 July
Catching up I hope.
Today I left Rain then Sand and Kissing.....yes all places along the road.....and ended up where I least expected.
A random chat with a biker had me change direction and come the alternative route. Good advice as it happened. I had thought Steingaden but no Halblech.
I did enjoy some more wonderful walled towns today, well actually two of them. You can see why they are so patriotic, perhaps nationalistic when you see how they protected their communities many years ago. We live on an island, not so open to attack, as Germany was. They can walk ride or stroll from wherever and decide to lay siege on a town. And they did. As the people of Dinkelsbuhl did. It was a tough life.
So I spent the day in the glorious food production belt of Germany.
Lots of motorbikes and lots of combine harvesters. Being mid summer they are hard out harvesting. The stock are at home resting in their barns.
It is a very organised way of life. Cut the food take it to the barn, feed the stock, carry out the litter and spread it on the ground to be cultivated again.
Lots of crops, wheat barley rye, asparagus..and stuff I could not identify. Cant stop and talk to a cocky here they are all driving 50mph airconditioned tractors towing one or more trailers
But having got to Halblech and found a Zimmer with a lady that spoke not one word of English and my two words of German were not much help either, but I have a room for two days. I plan to ride the mountains tomorrow.
But to the local restaurant I went for dinner. These people eat huge meals, so I got the smallest, sausage ( three types no less) and saurkraut. Very healthy.
I asked the waitress what were the animals 450 metres away in the clearing on the hill venison of beef, she replied red. I qualified, deer ? and she looked at me and calmy said yes. I thought I better shut up after that.
A local came in with his full oompah suit on se we had a small chat. He played a trombone. I can remember 50 years ago my introduction to oompah and ledenhosen (leather trousers) with colourful bracers and green felt hats with feather and badges, but he was a mechanic and a decent chap. I enjoy the genial german, they are hospitable and have a go at a conversation. My Landlady and I just talk at the same time, makes no difference. We smile and part on the happiest of terms.
In the pictures, note the first sign of tomorrows mountains. The cycleway. Hundred of miles like that (not a footpath), and towns and villages......just such a pretty tidy place to be in.

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