Saturday, July 22, 2017

Schoolhouse Air BnB

What a very comfortable home and a nice couple with kids.
New comers to Air BB but as to why the money, as an afterthought to introduce the boys to other lives.
I sense a bit of quiet separation in the UK.
The chap next to me in the Pub was going down the road to the pub frequented by homosexuals because there are no fights. That shook me but there in the pub was a large steady truck driver in a singlet shots and tattoos. Same objectionable looking person sweaty single yes tattoos at the pub round the corner.
Is the population of rural U.K. all over 60 ?seems like it.
And what is on the news apart from Brexit sport and overpaid TV people, hugely overpaid. Hugely overpaid, but I guess the same pigs trough applies in New Zealand.
What I was heading toward was the next crisis. Same here as everywhere no doubt, housing.
There is a real crisis in housing. Of course it all comes back to the privilege afforded to the few. The Council staff that determine what we can and can not do on the land we own. I stayed with a couple caught up in a rather sad row over a section they own that they want to build a shed on. It's a semi rural area and the council objrct because the barn is too big. They want it smaller and more rustic. Well it is next to a power station where no one actually walks or rides or drives or visits.
Meanwhile housing costs a fortune and a pursuit for the fortunate.
There is a serious social problem racing at us. Here it is not just unemployed it is across the board of the lower income sector. And it will not stop.
There is a reassessment in rewards coming. The commercial thieves ie overpaid lawyers doctors council staff, broadcasters. The list is long. The cost to society is unsustainable and the lack of housing will cause a very serious problem.
The difference here is the lack of reporting of home invasion. Maybe it is a New Zealand practice where we have to lock up and barricade ourselves from criminal invasion.
But frankly the difference in culture is significant. But the same overall image is similar "go home and lock the door".
What is ahead for society ?
Overall the state is misalocating resources overpaying "staff" and not managing but one area of crisis surely has to be those that get supannuation on top of their wages. They may well be the coming priveledged if the super funds have been properly managed and there is a question.
Sorry no pictures.
Google want to use the images and charge us for doing so. Classic US commercial exploitation.  We want your images and we want you to pay us to steal them. Not a bad economic model.
So to use images I must upload to Google and pay them to allow them access, then I can get to use my photos on my blog.
What's the matter with this ?

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