Sunday, July 2, 2017

Biking Europe 2017

NZL07 is about to take the road again.
The bike is serviced.
The bag is packed and the itinerary broadly in mind.
I want to pay a farewell to Scotland so will head North.
Then it is back down to the ferry and over to Ireland.
From Ireland to Wales.
Wales to southern England and a ferry to France.  I wanted to ride the Loire Valley but have not managed it yet. Then hopefully back to Monaco and on to Italy.
Then to choose south through Florence and a ferry to Split or just head East.
After that the plan becomes less clear
But I do have a plan, go slow, stop more often and talk more.  I discovered last year that Air BnB was a great way to meet people and experience their lives.  For example going to bell ringing was a new experience.  There were more like that.
I was really defriended by a couple in Milford Haven.  I was so fortunate and was taken on a "family" outing on the sailing boat they had just restored and we went up the river to a pub for dinner.
I do not have a family and to share that event with that lovely group of people was a tremendous thrill.
It was two years ago that I stayed with a couple in a pub in Miltenberg in Germany. The husband and wife team were truly so kind I wanted to stay. Incidentally Miltenberg has a plaque in the street near their hotel that signified "a" start of the Paco Camino, the  St James way.  Doubt it could have got much further, but do recall a book I read that had the start in Switzerland.. fascinating.
I found that I only find those things out by going slowly, looking and talking......
So I am looking forward to talking my way round Europe in 2017.
I have "found" Facebook, maybe i will try that as well.

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