Monday, July 17, 2017

17 July moving at ladt

I was most grateful to a chap and his wife that are now true friends. We met while out walking in west Wales Saint Davids, last year. He was there in a  heritage house for the annual holiday and I was visiting. We met in the street then the pub then in London more than once and had dinner with Gordon and Martine in their flat. Martine is a hot shot in commerce and Gordon her mate.  She is astonishingly academic and Gordon I put in the category of too smart to have an ordinary job. Some people are just too clever for a common life. Gordon is one of them I reckon.
But we are now mates. We dined we drank we walked and chatted to each other and anyone else that happened to encounter us. Great fun.
So when I got the Shanghai Flu, the nastiest thing you can encounter on holiday, I was just delighted to be invited to Wales where they were again holidaying in Natiinal Heritage home. You know the sort of humble flat built in 1400 and done up like it was recently made. Lots of character and delightful architecture complete with rabbit pheasants cattle over the fence and total quiet.
So was I lucky you bet.
So as luck would have it Martine has to go back to being a London hot shot executive and I to get on my way.
So here I am in Brecon famous for the Brecon Beacons a bunch of steep hills wonderful for motor biking, hiking, and farming yes welsh sheep.
I did get a picture but of course I have a newer iPhone so what once worked is probably now superseded as Apple seek to control every aspect and charge for it.  Ooh progress well ???

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Half he town have the flu back here as well. Seems to take about five or six days to work through it. We all seem to have escaped it luckily. Sounds like you are back on the road again having a good time