Monday, August 21, 2017

21st Seven Sisters

Had not known that the White Cliffs of Dover went so far.
I had walked from Eastbourne the other daybut fell short of the rather majestic 7 faces of cliff known as the seven sisters.
So I returned to do the last bit today.
As usual met the nicest people French and a couple from Jerusalem who are walking in the Himalayas next and an English couple off to walk the Mont Blanc.
Good people out there doing it.
Meanwhile one jerk is loading up young idiots to go out and kil people.
We really at a FU world !
One idiot.  We have to be able to shoot people like this. It is stupid and being done in the name of Islam and they hate it as much as Christians Jews and agnostics do.
I truly believe the screen games that these kids are exposed to fail to teach them right from wrong.
We do live in a very disturbed and irrational world. The village I am in tonight was a dormitory that fed labour into industry. Now there is no industry. Small town UK is shutting down. The biggest retailer after Tesco is charity shops. Cancer, Red Cross, missions, Churches, Illness charities, health charities,  Churches, and they are falling apart too.
Built up to1000 years ago and the materials are starting to collapse. The few that attend can not keep up the payments.
The UK has more than Brexit to concern them but already I see the mood changing.
I will repeat, there will not be a Brexit there will be a Wesuva. (We screwed up vote again. )
The Pollies will find a way out. They have to. What is interesting is the economic victory they are claiming, production is up exports are up but fail to say the £ is through the floor so wait until the import bills come in and the returns from tourism. The country is full of tourists so the income would be 20% higher on last years exchange rate but pollies will tell you what they want you to believe.
And the Police tactics are the same here. Report an incident and the cars rush toward you to know who you are, where you live, date of birth, bath night, colour of your jockeys, do you drink or smoke oh and have you been to a foreign country recently ........?
Every one is a terrorist.
As the saying goes to a hammer the world is a nail !

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