Sunday, July 17, 2016

Ireland 17 July

I am in Ireland. After a ferry ride from Wales in the fog I arrived to a sunset. Longtime since I saw one of those. Eventful days. After leaving Lancaster and riding through the midlands the wonderful rolling hills that formerly farmed sheep and created the wool industry and the Mills now all abandoned. The once flourishing towns now full of retirees and a rapidly shrinking commercial centre. So I made it to Cambridge, what a very attractive town. Sadly full of tourists which do not add to the ambience of the town. On to Colchester with the usual rain and delightful countryside. Colchester lacks anything of striking interest but has a very interesting castle with very attractive grounds. So I rode the cycleway I was entertained very kindly by my Airbnb hostess and was even taken to the bell ringers practice evening. What a very nice visit I had to the town of Wivenhoe.

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