Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October 15 on the Ferry

The Spanish journey is over. Back to "reality". Lots of Pommie bikers, all pretty good blokes old blokes on old bikes. They are amused by my "giant" bike. And yes it is big for sure. So I am reminded of rides past and one in particular where a group of us went from Texas to Panama. One of the group disappeared in a cloud of dust and I can recall the concern. Two bikes down in the dust of an old roadside slip and no one injured which was terrific. I suspect Fletcher a retired rancher from the Mississippi did exacerbate an old back injury which laid him low for a day or two. Our mate was also on a "big bike" which later expired in Panama and had to be shipped home. So they all went in a container back to Texas and I meantime had a sojourn in Cuba. So not all bad things are bad. However it was on that trip the custom to finish dinner with what he called a flan and we call Creme Brulee was born. So last night aboard this odd amalgamation of the United Nations, a British boat with a french crew sailing from a Spanish port set sail. All this reminds me of a wish to learn Spanish and the "best" places are either in Salamanca in Spaian or Central America in fact close to our shower of dust incident. Calm night with a bit of a flurry rounding out of the Bay of Biscay, which I remember from 1962 on my first "crossing"....aboard the Fairsea, an Italian boat. The departure from Spain was easy in reality. The ferry is a pretty slick operation. Spain was a very good experience and one worth repeating. The hills and valleys the roads, the feel of the place, in fact 5 days better riding than I could find anywhere else that I have encountered, including NZ, but I hope I have not finished exploring... yet.

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