Thursday, September 26, 2013

Hooray hooray away today

In case I speak too soon I will add "fingers crossed" But from the departure lounge I am optimistic. The fluids are bagged a quaint and inexplicable procedure that creates jobs for those that can not find meaningful work. Whom it makes happier or safer I can barely imagine. Not me. So at last I am off. Too often delayed but in that I have learned that a perfect time does not exist and not just for taking trips but all human endeavors. So as they say watch this space. The flights were delayed but the joy of having no timetable is that one is never late. Flying is just that. Best done partly tired partly intoxicated and very tolerantly. The foolishness of the airline industry. We were told to leave the plane at Dubai in order to pass into the facility, and to then pass through the Xray, to queue to get into the departure lounge, to have the ticket examination redone, and finally after 40 minutes to end up back in the seat just vacated. Why we were not taken directly into the departure lounge is something that would have deprived 40 staff of their meaningful employment. Immigration at London was fine. It seems the US has a special place in world travel as immigration barrier to avoid. So London. It is an unusual and special place for sure. Special due to History. Unusual because it would be hard to determine from the occupants which country you were in.

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